I delivered a talk entitled Electrical impedance tomography and complex geometric optics solutions: new perspectives at the RIMS Symposium Theoretical and numerical approaches for inverse problems in Kyoto, Japan, on January 21, 2025. RIMS is the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences on the Kyoto University campus. There is a recurrent inverse problems workshop taking place there every year.
My student Siiri Rautio gave a talk just before me about our joint work on virtual X-ray imaging using electricity. So I could so a little bit different presentation than usual, skipping some introductory stuff and going on to more theoretical content. The talk was well received, judging by the number of excellent questions I got.
My talk slides are available here as a PDF file (8.6 MB).

In the above image I am with Siiri Rautio, Andreas Hauptmann and Akari Ishida outside the RIMS institute in Kyoto. Below is the whole workshop crowd.