
Public AI talk in Cleveland

I delivered a public talk on the mathematics of AI – in a Cleveland church turned into a lecture hall of Case Western Reserve University! A bit different vibe than in usual venues. 😂 And I guess I was kind of preaching to the choir… My title was How does AI detect cats in photos

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Talk at the Flatiron Institute

During my September visit I delivered a scientific talk at the Computational Mathematics Seminar at the Flatiron Institute. My topic was Electrical impedance tomography and virtual X-rays, and you can download my slides here: PDF 53MB. Abstract: Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a nonlinear PDE-based imaging modality where a patient is probed with harmless electric

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Museum of Math in NYC: my AI talk

I gave a public talk about the math of artificial intelligence (AI) at MoMath on September 19, 2024. My goal was two-fold: first of all, to show that modern AI methods are based on elementary school mathematics such as addition and multiplication. Second, I wanted to give audience an idea about “convolution”, the key ingredient

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Tomography video saga continues: now real data

My series of video lectures about X-ray tomography took the important step to explaining how to treat real measured data. I put two simple pieces of material into an X-ray device and show what happens when we try to calculate Radon transform-like line integrals from the pixel values. You can watch the video in YouTube

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Mathematics of Photography: public talk in NYC

I had the pleasure to deliver a public talk at the National Museum of Mathematics on September 12, 2024. My topic was the mathematics of photography, which could be discussed from many points of view. Here I focused on changing the appearance of photos by altering their pixel values. Namely, in modern computers and smartphones

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Popular-science tomography talk in Turku

I had the honor to deliver a keynote address in the Science on Stage Festival in Turku, Finland, on August 15,2024. The title of the talk was The magic of math: three-dimensional X-ray vision. You can see the recording in YouTube. The lecture slides are available here in PDF format. Abstract: In the 1970’s, a

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Finnish Mathematical Society Colloquium

I delivered my X-ray tomography show at the Finnish Mathematical Society colloquium on April 17, 2024. The presentation was followed by Zoom all over Finland, and the lecture hall at University of Helsinki was pretty full, too. This was fun!

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Tomography 203

This video illustrates “ill-posedness”, the nemesis of all inverse problems. We see how in a very simple 12×12 pixel tomography problem “almost-ghosts” can produce very different targets with almost the same X-ray data.

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AI talk for tumor genetics researchers

The Applied Tumor Genomics Research Program of University of Helsinki held a seminar day on October 6, 2023. They asked me to deliver a presentation about artificial intelligence and neural networks. It was my great pleasure to do so! The first part of my talk was about ChatGPT and generative text AI. I followed the

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ICIAM 2023 conference in Tokyo

The International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) was held in Tokyo in late August 2023. I participated it together with many students and colleagues from University of Helsinki. This congress happens every 4 years, and it is the main scientific conference in my field of research. It was nice for me to go

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