The International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) was held in Tokyo in late August 2023. I participated it together with many students and colleagues from University of Helsinki. This congress happens every 4 years, and it is the main scientific conference in my field of research. It was nice for me to go to Tokyo also because it is my old hometown from 2002-2004!
I gave a talk myself in a minisymposium From model-blind to model-aware learning of inverse problems in imaging organized by Tatiana Bubba, Luca Calatroni and Luca Ratti. My topic was a long-time favourite of mine, Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). In EIT one feeds harmless electric currents into a patient, measures the induced voltages at the skin, and calculates and image of the internal distribution of electric conductivity distribution inside the patient. This is turning out to be useful for breast cancer detection, lung imaging for cystic fibrosis patients, and classifying as well as monitoring stroke.
My international team and I have recently made tremendous progress in developing imaging methods for EIT. Curiously, we managed to decompose the EIT imaging process into separate steps where the inherent noise sensitivity of EIT is completely confined to linear sub-steps. See the diagram below. Here are the slides of my talk: PDF 16MB.
I was pleasantly surprised to see my book Step Into the World of Mathematics displayed at the Springer booth. Also, I had the pleasure of meeting Suzanne L. Weekes, the CEO of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
Also, I co-organized a minisymposium with Melody Alsaker, called Recent Advancements in Electrical Impedance Tomography. Here are pictures of the speakers.