Applied Inverse Problems Conference 2023

The AIP conference is the main scientific event in the field of inverse problems. It is held every two years, apart from a break during the Covid19 pandemic. Actually I have organized one myself, in 2015 in Helsinki. This year the conference was held in Göttingen, Germany, a classic scientific hub before the second world war.

I gave a talk myself about a new method called Fractal-O-Graph. Here are the slides (PDF 41 MB). The algorithm was developed jointly with Hanne Kekkonen, Matti Lassas and Eero Saksman; see our paper Random tree Besov priors – Towards fractal imaging (Arxiv link, DOI doi:10.3934/ipi.2022059). Above I show a demonstration what the new method can do when applied to photographs using complex wavelets.

I also organized two minisymposia. The first one was joint with Martin Burger and Lorenz Kuger, and focused on imaging applications in the nuclear energy industry. The second one considered X-ray tomography with limited data. I organized it together with Jakob Jørgensen from DTU.