Scientific presentations

Samuli Siltanen at the Bayes Centre in Edinburgh

Two talks in Edinburgh

I had a wonderful short trip to Edinburgh to give two talks in the Big Data Inverse Problems conference at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences. The event took place in the amazing Bayes Centre. Here’s a peek: My first talk was a traditional scientific presentation with the topic Virtual X-rays: parallel-beam tomography hidden within

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Plenary talk on EIT: 94th GAMM conference

I delivered a section plenary talk in the 94th GAMM Annual Meeting in Magdeburg on March 19, 2024. The title of my talk was Virtual X-rays: parallel-beam tomography hidden within electric probing, and it belonged to the Section S21 Mathematical signal and image processing, organized by Anne Wald and Johannes Maly. You can download my

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Institute of Mathematics for Industry

I had the pleasure to visit the Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) in the city Fukuoka located in the Kyushu island of Japan. The visit took place on January 9, 2024. My curiosity about IMI had been high for a while since I am a Professor of Industrial Mathematics at the University of Helsinki.

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Applied Inverse Problems Conference 2023

The AIP conference is the main scientific event in the field of inverse problems. It is held every two years, apart from a break during the Covid19 pandemic. Actually I have organized one myself, in 2015 in Helsinki. This year the conference was held in Göttingen, Germany, a classic scientific hub before the second world

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ICIAM 2023 conference in Tokyo

The International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) was held in Tokyo in late August 2023. I participated it together with many students and colleagues from University of Helsinki. This congress happens every 4 years, and it is the main scientific conference in my field of research. It was nice for me to go

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IWOTA 2023 Conference in Helsinki

I had the honor of opening the legendary IWOTA conference at University of Helsinki on July 31, 2023. You can read my opening address below, including a JOKE! I gave my own talk as well in the minisymposium on inverse problems, organized by Lauri Oksanen and Tony Liimatainen. Here are my slides (PDF 16MB) in

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Samuli Siltanen esitelmöi New Yorkin matikkamuseossa

Math Encounters NYC video

I gave a talk in the “Math Encounters” series at the Museum of Mathematics in New York City in February 2023. My topic was X-ray tomography. Now the video recording of the presentation is available! Enjoy!

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Samuli Siltanen esitelmöi New Yorkin matikkamuseossa

Math Encounters talk in New York

I gave a popular math talk at Museum of Mathematics in New York City on February 8, 2023. My presentation was part of the Math Encounters series, where previous speakers include Terence Tao, Stephen Wolfram, Ingrid Daubechies, Jordan Ellenberg, Cathy O’Neil, Steven Strogatz and Hannah Fry. My topic was X-ray tomography, and I included a

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Samuli Siltanen in Bologna, Italy, in front of math department

Tomography winter school in Bologna

I lectured a minicourse on the mathematics of X-ray tomography at the winter school Advanced methods for mathematical image analysis in Bologna, Italy. It was such a nice week! About 70 young scientists arrived to learn about the mathematics of imaging. Including three of my own PhD students, namely Elli Karvonen, Salla Latva-Äijö and Siiri

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