I had the pleasure to visit the Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) in the city Fukuoka located in the Kyushu island of Japan. The visit took place on January 9, 2024.
My curiosity about IMI had been high for a while since I am a Professor of Industrial Mathematics at the University of Helsinki.
The director of IMI, Professor Kenji Kajiwara, was kind enough to invite my student Markus Juvonen and I to give talks at the IMI colloquium and to get to know the institute. My talk topic was “Case study of industrial inverse problems
in Finland: X-ray tomography”, and Markus talked about image deblurring with automatic regularization parameter choice.
We had a discussion with key researchers at the institute, including the inverse problems expert, Assistant Professor Hiroshi Takase. The intellectual variety at IMI is impressive, spanning many areas of pure and applied mathematics: topology, optimization, modelling, algebra, geometry, statistics and more.