7.11.2024 The magic of math: three-dimensional X-ray vision, Annual Student Lecture at University of Edinburgh, UK.
26.9.2024 How does AI detect cats in photos using elementary school math?, public talk at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
19.9.2024 The Mathematics of AI: From the Simplest Case to Detecting Cats, public talk at the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath), New York City, USA.
12.9.2024 Mathematics of Photography, public talk at the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath), New York City, USA.
15.8.2024 Keynote address: The magic of math: three-dimensional X-ray vision, Science on Stage Festival, Turku, Finland.
22.5.2024 Public talk: The magic of math: three-dimensional X-ray vision, ICMS Public Lecture, Edinburgh, UK.
17.4.2024 Finnish Mathematical Society Colloquium: The magic of math: three-dimensional X-ray vision, Helsinki, Finland.
7.3.2024 Danish Mathematical Society Colloquium: The magic of math: three-dimensional X-ray vision, Copenhagen, Denmark.