Submitted manuscripts
Alsaker M, Rautio S, Moura F, Agnelli JP, Murthy R, Lassas M, Mueller JL and Siltanen S,
CT scans without X-rays: parallel-beam imaging from nonlinear current flows. Arxiv link
Articles to appear
Meaney A, Brix MAK, Nieminen MT and Siltanen S,
Image Reconstruction in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Using Controlled Gradient Sparsity. Arxiv link
To appear in Applied Mathematics for Modern Challenges.
Published articles
Karvonen E, Lassas M, Pankka P and Siltanen S 2024,
TILT: Topological interface recovery in limited-angle tomography Arxiv link.
SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences 17(3): pp. 1761-1794.
Latva-Äijö SM, Zanetti F, Honkanen AP, Huotari S, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2024,
Inner product regularized multi-energy X-ray tomography for material decomposition. Arxiv link.
Applied Mathematics for Modern Challenges 2(1): pp. 1-16, DOI 10.3934/ammc.2024001
Rautio S, Murthy R, Bubba TA, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2024,
Learning a microlocal prior for limited-angle tomography Arxiv link.
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 88(6): pp. 888–916,
Dendooven P, Virta R, Tupasela T, Tobin SJ, Moring M, Bubba TA, Siltanen S, Kähkönen T, Makkonen I, Laassiri M, Andersson P and Honkamaa T 2023,
Passive methods for spent fuel characterisation at the Finnish geological repository,
Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C 2,
Juvonen M, Siltanen S and Moura F 2023,
Helsinki deblur challenge 2021: Description of photographic data.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 17(5): pp. 1008-1023, DOI
Kekkonen H, Lassas M, Saksman E and Siltanen S 2023,
Random tree Besov priors – Towards fractal imaging. Arxiv link.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 17(2): pp. 507-531, DOI doi:10.3934/ipi.2022059
Lahtinen J, Moura F, Samavaki M, Siltanen S and Pursiainen S 2023,
In silico study of the effects of cerebral circulation on source localization using a dynamical anatomical atlas of the human head.
Journal of Neural Engineering, DOI 10.1088/1741-2552/acbdc1
Meaney A, Moura F, Juvonen M and Siltanen S 2023,
Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022: Description of the Competition and Dataset.
Applied Mathematics for Modern Challenges 1(2): pp. 170-201, DOI 10.3934/ammc.2023010
Virta R, Bubba TA, Moring M, Siltanen S, Honkamaa T and Dendooven P 2023,
In‑air and in‑water performance comparison of Passive Gamma Emission Tomography with activated Co‑60 rods,
Scientific reports 13:16189
Bubba TA, Heikkilä T and Siltanen S 2022,
4D Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets for Time-Dependent Data. In 2021 21st International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) (pp. 146-156). IEEE. PDF 1.5MB DOI:
Gondzio J, Lassas M, Latva-Äijö S-M, Siltanen S and Zanetti F 2022,
Material-separating regularizer for multi-energy X-ray tomography. Open access PDF.
Inverse Problems 38, 025013.
Virta R, Bubba TA, Moring M, Siltanen S, Honkamaa T and Dendooven P 2022,
Improved Passive Gamma Emission Tomography image quality in the central region of spent nuclear fuel. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 12473. PDF 2MB
Agnelli JP, Kolehmainen V, Lassas M, Ola P and Siltanen S 2021,
Simultaneous reconstruction of conductivity, boundary shape and contact impedances in electrical impedance tomography Arxiv link.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 14(4), pp. 1407–1438.
Bubba TA, Galinier M, Lassas M, Prato M, Ratti L and Siltanen S 2021,
Deep neural networks for inverse problems with pseudodifferential operators: An application to limited-angle tomography. Arxiv link.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 14(2), pp. 470-505.
Cueva E, Meaney A, Siltanen S and Ehrhardt M J 2021,
Synergistic Multi-spectral CT Reconstruction with Directional Total Variation Arxiv link.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379
Isaacson D, Jennifer LM and Siltanen S 2021,
D-bar Methods for EIT. Chapter in the book Electrical Impedance Tomography.
CRC Press, 2021, pp. 137-150.
Ketola JHJ, Heino H, Juntunen MAK, Nieminen MT, Siltanen S and Inkinen SI 2021,
Generative adversarial networks improve interior computed tomography angiography reconstruction
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 7(6), pp. 065041.
Moura F S, Beraldo R G, Ferreira L A and Siltanen S 2021,
Anatomical atlas of the upper part of the human head for electroencephalography and bioimpedance applications. Arxiv link.
Physiological measurement 42, 105015.
Virta R, Backholm R, Bubba TA, Helin T, Kähkönen T, Leppänen J, Moring M, Siltanen S, Dendooven P and Honkamaa T 2021, Verifying spent nuclear fuel with Passive Gamma Emission Tomography prior to disposal in a geological repository in Finland. In INMM & ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Meeting.
Agnelli J P, Çöl A, Lassas M, Murthy R, Santacesaria M and Siltanen S 2020,
Classification of stroke using neural networks in Electrical Impedance Tomography. PDF (1.5 MB) Arxiv link.
Inverse Problems 36 115008
Backholm R, Bubba T A, Bélanger-Champagne C, Helin T, Dendooven P and Siltanen S 2020,
Simultaneous Reconstruction of Emission and Attenuation in Passive Gamma Emission Tomography of Spent Nuclear Fuel PDF (1MB) Arxiv link.
Inverse Problems and Imaging, 14(2), pp. 317-337.
Bubba T A, Heikkilä T, Help H, Huotari S, Salmon Y and Siltanen S 2020,
Sparse dynamic tomography. A shearlet-based approach for iodine perfusion in plant stems. Arxiv link.
Inverse Problems 36, 094002.
Lytle G, Perry P and Siltanen S 2020,
Nachman’s reconstruction for the Calderón problem with discontinuous conductivities. PDF (1.5MB) Arxiv link.
Inverse Problems 36 035018
Mueller J L and Siltanen S 2020,
The D-bar method for electrical impedance tomography – demystified. PDF (8 MB)
Inverse Problems 36(9), 093001.
Siltanen S and Ide T 2020,
Electrical impedance tomography, enclosure method and machine learning. PDF (2.3 MB)
2020 IEEE 30th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP). IEEE, 2020. pp. 1-6.
Toivanen J, Meaney A, Siltanen S and Kolehmainen V 2020,
Joint Reconstruction in Low Dose Multi-Energy CT. PDF (4MB) Arxiv link.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 14(1), pp. 607-629
Virta R, Backholm R, Bubba TA, Dendooven P, Helin T, Honkamaa T, Moring M and Siltanen, S 2020,
Reconstructing Activity and Attenuation of a Spent Fuel Assembly from Passive Gamma Emission Tomography (PGET) Measurements. PDF (1.6MB)
In 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (pp. 1-3).
Bubba T, Kutyniok G, Lassas M, Maerz M, Samek W, Siltanen S and Srinivasan V 2019,
Learning The Invisible: A Hybrid Deep Learning-Shearlet Framework for Limited Angle Computed Tomography. PDF (6.7MB) Arxiv link.
Inverse Problems 35, 064002
Hakkarainen J, Purisha Z, Solonen A and Siltanen S 2019,
Undersampled dynamic X-ray tomography with dimension reduction Kalman Filter. PDF (2 MB) Arxiv link.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 5(3), pp. 492-501
Hauptmann A, Ikehata M, Itou H and Siltanen S 2019,
Revealing cracks inside conductive bodies by electric surface measurements. PDF (2.2 MB) Arxiv link.
Inverse Problems 35 025004
Purisha Z, Karhula SS, Ketola J, Rimpeläinen J, Nieminen MT, Saarakkala S, Kröger H and Siltanen S 2019,
An Automatic Regularization Method: An Application for 3-D X-Ray Micro-CT Reconstruction Using Sparse Data. PDF (2 MB)
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38(2), pp. 417-425
Greenleaf A, Lassas M, Santacesaria M, Siltanen S and Uhlmann G 2018,
Propagation and recovery of singularities in the inverse conductivity problem. PDF (2 MB) Arxiv link
Analysis and PDE 11(8), pp. 1901-1943.
Ketola J H, Karhula S S, Finnilä M A J, Korhonen R K, Herzog W, Siltanen S, Nieminen M T and Saarakkala S 2018,
Iterative and discrete reconstruction in the evaluation of the rabbit model of osteoarthritis.
Scientific Reports 8:12051. PDF (2 MB)
Purisha Z, Rimpeläinen J, Bubba T and Siltanen S 2018,
Controlled Wavelet Domain Sparsity for X-ray Tomography. PDF (2.5 MB) Arxiv link
Measurement Science and Technology 29(1), 014002.
Bleyer I, Lybeck L, Auvinen H, Airaksinen M, Alku P and Siltanen S 2017,
Alternating Minimisation for Glottal Inverse Filtering. PDF 2.2 MB
Inverse Problems 33, 065005.
Bubba T A, März M, Purisha Z, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2017,
Shearlet-based regularization in sparse dynamic tomography.
Wavelets and Sparsity XVII, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10394, 103940Y
Burger M, Dirks H, Frerking L, Hauptmann A, Helin T and Siltanen S 2017,
A Variational Reconstruction Method for Undersampled Dynamic X-ray Tomography based on Physical Motion Models.
Inverse Problems 33, 124008.
Haario H, Kallonen A, Laine M, Niemi E, Purisha Z and Siltanen S 2017,
Shape recovery for sparse-data tomography.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 40.18 (2017): 6649-6669.
Hamilton S, Reyes J M, Siltanen S and Zhang X 2016,
A Hybrid Segmentation and D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9(2), pp. 770-793. PDF (1 MB)
de Hoop M, Lassas M, Santacesaria M, Siltanen S and Tamminen J P 2016,
Positive-energy D-bar method for acoustic tomography: a computational study.
Inverse Problems 32 025003 PDF (3 MB)
Kekkonen H, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2016,
Posterior consistency and convergence rates for Bayesian inversion with hypoelliptic operators.
Inverse Problems 32 085005. PDF (1MB), Arxiv link
Liu D, Kolehmainen V, Siltanen S, Laukkanen A-M and Seppänen 2016,
Non-linear difference imaging approach to three-dimensional electrical impedance tomography in the presence of geometric modeling errors.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63(9), pp. 1956-1965. PDF (1 MB)
Niinimäki K, Lassas M, Hämäläinen K, Kallonen A, Kolehmainen V, Niemi E and Siltanen S 2016,
Multi-resolution parameter choice method for total variation regularized tomography.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9(3), pp. 938-974. PDF (1.4MB), Arxiv link
Purisha Z and Siltanen S 2016,
Tomographic Inversion Using NURBS and MCMC.
In Forging Connections between Computational Mathematics and Computational Geometry,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 124, pp. 153-166.
Tamminen J P, Tarvainen T and Siltanen S 2016,
The D-Bar Method for Diffuse Optical Tomography: a Computational Study
Experimental Mathematics 26(2), 225-240. PDF (1.4MB)
DOI: 10.1080/10586458.2016.1157775
Croke R, Mueller J L, Music M, Perry P, Siltanen S and Stahel A 2015,
The Novikov-Veselov Equation: Theory and Computation.
Contemporary Mathematics 635, pp. 25-70. Arxiv link, PDF (10MB)
Gaitan P, Isozaki H, Poisson O, Siltanen S and Tamminen J P 2015,
Inverse Problems for Time-Dependent Singular Heat Conductivities: Multi-Dimensional Case.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 40(5), pp. 837-877. PDF (778 KB)
Liu D, Kolehmainen V, Siltanen S, Laukkanen A-M and Seppänen A 2015,
Estimation of conductivity changes in a region of interest with electrical impedance tomography.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 9(1), pp. 211-229. PDF (6 MB)
Liu D, Kolehmainen V, Siltanen S and Seppänen A 2015,
A non-linear approach to difference imaging in EIT; assessment of the robustness in the presence of modelling errors.
Inverse Problems 31 035012. PDF (2 MB)
Niemi E, Lassas M, Kallonen A, Harhanen L, Hämäläinen K and Siltanen S 2015,
Dynamic multi-source X-ray tomography using a spacetime level set method.
Journal of Computational Physics 291, pp. 218-237. PDF (1.7MB)
Astala K, Päivärinta L, Reyes J M and Siltanen S 2014,
Nonlinear Fourier analysis for discontinuous conductivities: computational results
Journal of Computational Physics 276, 74-91. PDF (5.2 MB)
Auvinen H, Raitio T, Siltanen S, Story B and Alku P 2014,
Automatic Glottal Inverse Filtering with Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method.
Computer Speech and Language 28(5), pp. 1139-1155. PDF (1.4 MB)
Hämäläinen K, Harhanen L, Hauptmann A, Kallonen A, Niemi E and Siltanen S 2014,
Total variation regularization for large-scale X-ray tomography.
International Journal of Tomography and Simulation 25(1), pp. 1-25. PDF (334 KB)
Hamilton S, Hauptmann A and Siltanen S 2014,
A Data-Driven Edge-Preserving D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 8(4), pp. 1053-1072. PDF (2.4 MB), Arxiv link
Hamilton S, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2014,
A Direct Reconstruction Method for Anisotropic Electrical Impedance Tomography.
Inverse Problems 30(7), 075007. PDF (1 MB), Arxiv link
Hamilton S and Siltanen S 2014,
Nonlinear Inversion from Partial EIT Data: Computational Experiments.
Contemporary Mathematics 615, pp. 105-129. PDF (2 MB), Arxiv link
Kalke M and Siltanen S 2014,
Sinogram interpolation method for sparse-angle tomography.
Applied Mathematics 5(3), pp. 423-441. Open access article.
Kekkonen H, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2014,
Analysis of regularized inversion of data corrupted by white Gaussian noise.
Inverse Problems 30(4), 045009. PDF (400 KB), Arxiv link
Määttä J, Siltanen S and Roos T 2014,
A Fixed-Point Image Denoising Algorithm with Automatic Window Selection.
Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP 2014). PDF (1.8 MB)
Purisha Z and Siltanen S 2014,
Tomographic Reconstruction of Homogeneous 2D Geometric Models with Unknown Attenuation.
Proceedings of IFIP TC 7 / 2013 System Modeling and Optimization, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 8-13, 2013.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 443, pp. 247-256 PDF (523 KB)
Rantala M, Lassas M, Sampo J, Takalo J, Timonen J and Siltanen S 2014,
Modelling and analysing oriented fibrous structures.
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences 2013.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 490 (2014) 012089 PDF (1 MB)
Sampo J, Takalo J, Siltanen S, Miettinen A, Lassas M and Timonen J 2014,
Curvelet-based method for orientation estimation of particles from optical images.
Opt. Eng. 53 (3), 033109. PDF (3.6 MB)
Siltanen S and Tamminen J P 2014,
Reconstructing conductivities with boundary corrected D-bar method.
Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems 22(6), pp. 847-870. PDF (1 MB)
Takalo J, Timonen J, Sampo J, Marjanen K, Siltanen S and Lassas M 2014,
Evaluation of the orientation distribution of fibers from reflection images of fibrous samples.
The European Physical Journal – Applied Physics 65(1), 10703 PDF (1.5 MB)
Takalo J, Timonen J, Sampo J, Rantala M, Siltanen S and Lassas M 2014,
Using the fibre structure of paper to determine authenticity of the documents: analysis of transmitted light images of stamps and banknotes,
Forensic Science International 244, pp. 252-258. PDF (3.1 MB)
Gaitan P, Isozaki H, Poisson O, Siltanen S and Tamminen J P 2013,
Inverse problems for time-dependent singular heat conductivities – one-dimensional case.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 45(3), pp. 1675-1690. PDF (250 KB)
Hämäläinen K, Kallonen A, Kolehmainen V, Lassas M, Niinimäki K and Siltanen S 2013,
Sparse tomography.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35(3), pp. B644-B665. PDF (1.6 MB)
Kalke M and Siltanen S 2013,
Adaptive frequency-domain regularization for sparse-data tomography.
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 21(7), pp 1099-1124. PDF (1 MB)
Kolehmainen V, Lassas M, Ola P and Siltanen S 2013,
Recovering boundary shape and conductivity in electrical impedance tomography.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 7(1), pp. 217-242. PDF (1.8 MB)
Music M, Perry P and Siltanen S 2013,
Exceptional circles of radial potentials.
Inverse Problems 29(4) 045004. PDF (1.4 MB)
Niemi E, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2013,
Dynamic X-ray tomography with multiple sources.
Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013), Trieste, Sept. 4-6, pp. 618-621.
DOI 10.1109/ISPA.2013.6703813. PDF (752 KB)
Purisha Z and Siltanen S 2013,
Tomographic Inversion using NURBS and MCMC.
Proceedings of 3rd Annual International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry.
DOI: 10.5176/2251-1911_CMCGS14.17 PDF (332 KB)
Sampo J, Takalo J, Siltanen S, Lassas M, Timonen J and Miettinen A 2013,
Curvelet-based method for orientation estimation of particles.
SPIE Proceedings 8858 Wavelets and Sparsity XV PDF (1.1 MB)
Auvinen H, Raitio T, Siltanen S and Alku P 2012
Utilizing Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for improved glottal inverse filtering.
In INTERSPEECH-2012, pp. 1640-1643. PDF (6.6 MB)
Gaitan P, Isozaki H, Poisson O, Siltanen S and Tamminen J P 2012,
Probing for inclusions in heat conductive bodies.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 6(3), pp. 423-446. PDF (1 MB)
Ikehata M, Niemi E and Siltanen S 2012,
Inverse obstacle scattering with limited-aperture data.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 6(1), pp. 77-94. PDF (505 KB)
Kolehmainen V, Lassas M, Niinimäki K and Siltanen S 2012,
Sparsity-promoting Bayesian inversion.
Inverse Problems 28, 02005. PDF (737 KB)
Chosen to the collection Inverse Problems Highlights 2012
Lassas M, Mueller J L, Siltanen S and Stahel A 2012,
The Novikov-Veselov Equation and the Inverse Scattering Method, Part I: Analysis.
Physica D 241, pp. 1322-1335. PDF (566 KB)
Lassas M, Mueller J L, Siltanen S and Stahel A 2012,
The Novikov-Veselov Equation and the Inverse Scattering Method, Part II: Computation.
Nonlinearity 25, pp. 1799-1818. PDF (1.2 MB)
Siltanen S 2012,
Electrical impedance imaging using nonlinear Fourier transform.
Oberwolfach Reports 11/2012.
Astala K, Mueller J L, Paivarinta L, Peramaki A and Siltanen S 2011,
Direct electrical impedance tomography for nonsmooth conductivities.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 5(3), pp. 531-549. PDF (770 KB)
Krupchyk K, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2011,
Determining electrical and heat transfer parameters using coupled boundary measurements.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 43(5), pp. 2096-2115.PDF (285 KB)
Nakamura G, Ronkanen P, Siltanen S and Tanuma K 2011,
Recovering conductivity at the boundary in three-dimensional electrical impedance tomography.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 5(2), pp. 485-510. PDF (853 KB)
Seppanen A, Nissinen A, Kolehmainen V, Siltanen S and Laukkanen A-M 2011,
Electrical impedance tomography imaging of larynx.
Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications,
7th International Workshop, August 25-27, 2011, Firenze, Italy. PDF (18.2 MB)
Takalo J, Timonen J, Sampo J, Siltanen S and Lassas M 2011,
Determination of the areal material distribution of paper from its optical transmission image.
European Physical Journal – Applied Physics 55, 20701 PDF (1.9 MB)
Astala K, Mueller J L, Paivarinta L and Siltanen S 2010,
Numerical computation of complex geometrical optics solutions to the conductivity equation.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 29, pp. 2-17. PDF (1 MB)
Helin T, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2010,
Infinite Photography: new mathematical model for high-resolution images.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 36(2), pp. 140-158. PDF (1.28 MB)
Hyvonen N, Kalke M, Lassas M, Setala H and Siltanen S 2010,
Three-dimensional dental X-ray imaging by combination of panoramic and projection data.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 4(2), pp. 257-271. PDF (750 KB)
Ide T, Isozaki H, Nakata S and Siltanen S 2010,
Local detection of three-dimensional inclusions in electrical impedance tomography.
Inverse Problems 26 035001. PDF (572 KB)
Siltanen S 2010,
Wavelet-based Bayesian inversion for tomographic problems with sparse data,
Oberwolfach Reports 7(2), pp. 1085-1088.
Knudsen K, Lassas M, Mueller J L and Siltanen S 2009,
Regularized D-bar method for the inverse conductivity problem.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 3(4), pp. 599-624. PDF (452 KB)
Lassas M, Saksman E and Siltanen S 2009,
Discretization invariant Bayesian inversion and Besov space priors.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 3(1), pp. 87-122. PDF (442 KB)
Vanska S, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2009,
Statistical X-ray tomography using empirical Besov priors.
International Journal of Tomography & Statistics 11, pp. 3-32. PDF (357 KB)
Kolehmainen V, Niinimäki K and Siltanen S 2009,
Bayesian Wavelet Based Multiresolution Method for Local Tomography,
The 10th European Congress of Stereology and Image Analysis, Milan, Italy, June 2009.
Bingham K, Kurylev Y, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2008,
Iterative Time-Reversal Control for Inverse Problems.
Inverse Problems and Imaging 2(1), pp. 63-81. PDF (277 KB)
Knudsen K, Lassas M, Mueller J L and Siltanen S 2008,
Reconstructions of Piecewise Constant Conductivities by the D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography.
Proceedings of the 4th AIP International Conference and the 1st Congress of the IPIA, Vancouver, 2007.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 124. PDF (500 KB)
Kolehmainen V, Lassas M and Siltanen S 2008,
Limited data X-ray tomography using nonlinear evolution equations.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computation 30(3), pp. 1413–1429. PDF (678 KB)
Ide T, Isozaki H, Nakata S, Siltanen S and Uhlmann G 2007,
Probing for electrical inclusions with complex spherical waves.
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 60(10), pp. 1415-1442. PDF (331 KB)
Lassas M, Mueller J L and Siltanen S 2007,
Mapping properties of the nonlinear Fourier transform in dimension two.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 32(4), pp. 591-610. PDF (180 KB)
Knudsen K, Lassas M, Mueller J L and Siltanen S 2007,
D-bar method for electrical impedance tomography with discontinuous conductivities.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 67(3), pp. 893-913. PDF (338 KB)
Kolehmainen V, Vanne A, Siltanen S, Jarvenpaa S, Kaipio J P, Lassas M and Kalke M 2007,
Bayesian Inversion Method for 3-D Dental X-ray Imaging.
Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik 124(7-8), pp. 248–253. PDF (153 KB).
Niinimäki K, Siltanen S and Kolehmainen V 2007,
Bayesian multiresolution method for local tomography in dental X-ray imaging.
Physics in Medicine and Biology 52, pp. 6663-6678. PDF (847 KB)
Niinimäki K, Siltanen S and Kolehmainen V 2007,
Multiresolution local tomography in dental radiology using wavelets,
29th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France, August 2007.
Zhong D, Siltanen S, Tanskanen J M A and Hyttinen J 2007,
Using MEAs for On-line EIT Measurement,
Proceeding of 13th International Conference on Electrical Bioimpedance (ICEBI07), Graz, Austria, August 2007
Cornean H, Knudsen K and Siltanen S 2006,
Towards a d-bar reconstruction method for three-dimensional EIT.
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 14(2), pp. 111-134. PDF (274 KB)
Isaacson D, Mueller J L, Newell J and Siltanen S 2006,
Imaging Cardiac Activity by the D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography.
Physiological Measurement 27, pp. S43-S50. PDF (1.4 MB).
Kolehmainen V, Vanne A, Siltanen S, Jarvenpaa S, Kaipio J P, Lassas M and Kalke M 2006,
Parallelized Bayesian inversion for three-dimensional dental X-ray imaging,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 25(2), pp. 218-228. PDF (1.4 MB).
Rantala M, Vanska S, Jarvenpaa S, Kalke M, Lassas M, Moberg J and Siltanen S 2006,
Wavelet-based reconstruction for limited angle X-ray tomography,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 25(2), pp. 210-217. PDF (2 MB).
Nakamura G, Siltanen S, Tanuma K and Wang S 2005,
Numerical recovery of conductivity at the boundary from the localized Dirichlet to Neumann map,
Computing 75(2-3), pp. 197-213. PDF (375 KB).
Ikehata M and Siltanen S 2004,
Electrical impedance tomography and Mittag-Leffler’s function,
Inverse Problems 20, pp. 1325-1348. PDF (495 KB)
Ikehata M and Siltanen S 2004,
Numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for the stationary Schrödinger equation using Faddeev’s Green function,
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 64(6), pp. 1907-1932. PDF (640 KB)
Isaacson D, Mueller J L, Newell J and Siltanen S 2004,
Reconstructions of chest phantoms by the d-bar method for electrical impedance tomography,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 23(7), pp. 821- 828. PDF (330 KB)
Knudsen K, Mueller J L and Siltanen S 2004,
Numerical solution method for the dbar-equation in the plane,
Journal of Computational Physics 198(2), pp. 500-517. PDF (381 KB)
Lassas M and Siltanen S 2004,
Can one use total variation prior for edge-preserving Bayesian inversion?
Inverse Problems 20, pp. 1537-1563. PDF (372 KB)
Isaacson D, Mueller J L, Newell J and Siltanen S 2005,
D-Bar Images of Cardiac Activity,
6th Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, University College London, UK, June 22-24, 2005.
Kolehmainen V, Siltanen S, Jarvenpaa S, Kaipio J P, Koistinen P, Lassas M, Pirttila J and Somersalo E 2003,
Statistical inversion for medical X-ray tomography with few radiographs II: Application to dental radiology,
Physics in Medicine and Biology 48, pp. 1465-1490. PDF (661 KB)
Mueller J L and Siltanen S 2003,
Direct reconstructions of conductivities from boundary measurements,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computation 24(4), pp. 1232-1266. PDF (573 KB)
Nykanen K and Siltanen S 2003,
X-ray scattering in full-field digital mammography,
Medical Physics 30(7), pp. 1864-1873;
Also appeared in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, July 1, 2003. PDF (267 KB)
Siltanen S, Kolehmainen V, Jarvenpaa S, Kaipio J P, Koistinen P, Lassas M, Pirttila J and Somersalo E 2003,
Statistical inversion for medical X-ray tomography with few radiographs I: General theory,
Physics in Medicine and Biology 48, pp. 1437-1463. PDF (426 KB)
Nykanen K and Siltanen S 2003,
Advantages of gridless full-field digital mammography,
Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5030, 137
Lehtimaki M, Pamilo M, Raulisto L, Roiha M, Kalke M, Siltanen S and Ihamaki T 2003,
Diagnostic Clinical Benefits of Digital Spot and Digital 3D Mammography Following Analysis of Screening Findings,
Medical Imaging 2003: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, Robert L. Galloway. Jr., Editor, Proceedings of SPIE 5029, 698-706.
Lassas M, Mataich M, Siltanen S and Somersalo E 2002,
Wind velocity observation with a CW Doppler radar,
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 40(11), pp. 2427-2437. PDF (1.5 MB)
Mueller J L, Siltanen S and Isaacson D 2002,
A direct reconstruction algorithm for electrical impedance tomography,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 21(6), pp. 555-559. PDF (272 KB)
Siltanen S, Mueller J L and Isaacson D 2001,
Reconstruction of High Contrast 2-D Conductivities by the Algorithm of A. Nachman,
Contemporary Mathematics 278, pp. 241-254. PDF 1.1 MB
Siltanen S, Mueller J L and Isaacson D 2001,
Erratum: An implementation of the reconstruction algorithm of A. Nachman for the 2-D inverse conductivity problem,
Inverse problems 17, pp. 1561-1563. PDF (53 KB)
Ikehata M and Siltanen S 2000,
Numerical method for finding the convex hull of an inclusion in conductivity from boundary measurements,
Inverse Problems 16, pp. 1043-1052. PDF 258 KB
Siltanen S, Mueller J L and Isaacson D 2000,
An implementation of the reconstruction algorithm of A. Nachman for the 2-D inverse conductivity problem,
Inverse Problems 16, pp. 681-699. PDF 845 KB, see also Erratum (54 KB)
Siltanen S 1999,
Electrical Impedance Tomography and Faddeev’s Green functions,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Mathematica Dissertationes 121. PostScript (6.9 MB)
Other publications
- Siltanen S 2024,
Successes, Collaborations, and Forward Momentum for Inverse Problems in Finland.
SIAM News 57(10), Link to article - Siltanen S 2015,
Synthesizing Speech.
Physics World 28(1), pp. 28-32. PDF (1.6 MB) - Siltanen S 2015,
Low-dose dental X-ray imaging (in Finnish).
Arkhimedes 1/2015, pp. 19-29. - Siltanen S 2013,
The mathematics of synthetic voice is roulette in the complex plane (in Finnish).
Dimensio 4(5), pp. 44-47. - Siltanen S 2011,
Probing the deep mathematics of nonlinear inverse problems.
interview of Professor Guillaume Bal in SIAM News 45(5), June 2012, page 4. - Siltanen S 2011,
Three-dimensional X-ray imaging for dentists.
in European success stories in industrial mathematics, Springer, p. 10. - Siltanen S 2006:
Electrical impedance tomography: medical imaging meets inverse quantum scattering
CSC News 2/2006 pp. 26-28. Electronic article - Lassas M, Mueller J L and Siltanen S 2005,
Inverse Schrödinger scattering in R2 for conductivity-type potentials,
Helsinki University of Technology Institute of Mathematics Research Reports A488. - Lassas M, Lehtinen R, Saramäki J and Siltanen S (eds.) 1997:
Who needs mathematics? (In Finnish)
A booklet printed for all Finnish school children on 9th grade. PDF (5MB) - Siltanen S and von Pfaler J 1994
Symbolic manipulation of differential systems with AXIOM computer algebra system,
Helsinki University of Technology Institute of Mathematics Research Reports A343.