TOMOHEAD – novel Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for the head.
Funding: Business Finland, EUR 279000 for my team at University of Helsinki. Other principal investigators: Professor Miika Nieminen (leader of the project), University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital; Assistant Professor Erkki Harjula, University of Oulu.
In this project, we aim to expand CBCT applicability and market share in head imaging by developing a novel CBCT device with modern software solutions.
Show the invisible!
Funding: Tieteen tiedotus ry, EUR 46 800 for my team at University of Helsinki. The goal is to create popular-math illustration materials for schools, including instructions for producing those demonstrations using cheap household materials.
Electrical Impedance Tomography – a Novel Method for Improved Diagnostics of Stroke.
Funding: Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation, EUR 276261 for my team at University of Helsinki (total project funding EUR 1328000).
Other principal investigators: Docent Nina Forss (Helsinki University Hospital), Professor Jari Hyttinen (University of Tampere), Professor Nuutti Hyvönen (Aalto University) and Professor Ville Kolehmainen (leader of the project, University of Eastern Finland).
Award: Mathematics Prize 2020
Granted by the Finnish Mathematical Society
Award: Erkki Laurila Award 2020
Granted by the Finnish Nuclear Society
Artificial intelligence guided diagnostics in medical imaging (AIDMEI)
Funding: Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation and Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiö, EUR 123925 for my team at University of Helsinki.
Other principal investigators: Professor Miika Nieminen (University of Oulu) and Simo Saarakkala (University of Oulu).
Second place in IAEA data challenge
The International Atomic Energy Agency organized a data challenge in 2019. The topic was Passive Gamma-ray Emission Tomography (PGET), where a rotating camera records gamma rays emitted from a spent nuclear fuel assembly. The goal is to calculate two tomographic images, one for the attenuation map and the other for emission map. With this information, IAEA can check whether the fuel assembly contains the nuclear materials specified by the power plant operator.
Award: J.V. Snellman Prize
Granted by the University of Helsinki.
The award is given for meritorious work in disseminating academic and scientific knowledge to general audiences.
Team leader in the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Inverse Modelling and Imaging
Funding from the Academy of Finland.
Funding for my team at University of Helsinki: EUR 473409 (2018-2022).
Tomographic imaging of moving objects
Funding: Academy of Finland project, EUR 458155 for my team at University of Helsinki.
Stroke classification and monitoring using Electrical Impedance Tomography
Funding: Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation, EUR 276778 for my team at University of Helsinki (total project funding EUR 950000).
My role: Director in charge and principal investigator.
Other principal investigators: Professor Jari Hyttinen (Tampere University of Technology, Finland) and Professor Ville Kolehmainen (University of Eastern Finland).
New imaging method for cardiology
Funding: EUR 117900 from Finnish Technology Agency (TEKES, decision 6614/31/2016).
My role: principal investigator.
Coordinator: Professor Miika Nieminen (University of Oulu, Finland)
Award: The Scientific Conference Organizer of the Year
Granted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.
Award: Winner of the 8th Science SLAM Helsinki
Watch the video: YouTube.
Supreme Finnish inversion for X-ray imaging (SFINX)
Project for developing novel low-dose tomographic X-ray medical imaging algorithms and technologies.
Funding: EUR 144000 from Finnish Technology Agency (TEKES, decision 528/31/2015) and an undisclosed amount from three industrial companies (Ajat, Palodex Group and Innomentarium) for my team at University of Helsinki.
My role: Director in charge and principal investigator.
Automated uncertainty quantification for numerical solutions of partial differential equations
Project leader: Marie Rognes, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway, with the participation of Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and University of Helsinki, Finland.
Funding: NordForsk, EUR 69715 for my team at University of Helsinki.
My role: Project partner and host for visiting researcher.
Finnish Centre of Excellence in Inverse Problems Research
Funding: Academy of Finland.
My role: Research team leader.
Electric Brain
Project for developing novel services based on open satellite image data.
Funding: Finnish Technology Agency (TEKES, decision 40347/13), EUR 101700 for my team at University of Helsinki.
My role: Principal investigator.
Modelling and analysis of fibre networks (FibNet)
unding: Academy of Finland (decision 255891), EUR 245140 for my team at University of Helsinki.
My role: Principal investigator.
Other principal investigators: Jussi Timonen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland).
Mind and Body research programme
Funding: Health and Wellbeing SHOK coordinated by SalWe Ltd., EUR 80000 for my team at University of Helsinki.
My role: Principal investigator.
Visiting Fellowship
Visiting Fellowship of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK.
Programme Inverse Problems, October 24-November 25, 2011.
Sparsity-constrained inversion with tomographic applications
Funding: Academy of Finland (decision 141094), EUR 254860 for my team at University of Helsinki.
My roles: Project coordinator and principal investigator.
Other principal investigators: Martin Burger (Münster, Germany), Jianguo Huang (Shanghai, China), Matti Lassas (Helsinki, Finland) and Peter Maass (Bremen, Germany).
Computerized inversion for spoken language research (CSI Speech)
Funding: Academy of Finland (decision 134868), EUR 360000 for my team at University of Helsinki.
My roles: Project coordinator and principal investigator.
Other principal investigators: Paavo Alku (Aalto University), Risto Ilmoniemi (Aalto University) and Anne-Maria Laukkanen (University of Tampere).
Efficient networking towards novel products and processes (EffNET)
Funding: ForestCluster SHOK, EUR 75000 for my team at University of Helsinki.
My roles: Principal investigator.
Member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
Berkeley, USA.
Programme Inverse Problems and Applications.
Image-based measurement methods for quality in pulping and papermaking (QVision)
Funding: ForestCluster SHOK, EUR 93750 for my team at University of Helsinki.
My roles: Principal investigator.
Research project Statistical inversion in 3D dental radiology
Funding: Finnish Technology Agency and PaloDEx Group.
Academic members: Helsinki University of Technology, Tampere University of Technology, University of Kuopio and University of Helsinki.
Topic: commercialization of Bayesian inversion methods for three-dimensional dental X-ray imaging products.
My role was first industrial and then academic, including writing the grant application, doing research work, and acting as board member.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellow
Funding: JSPS and the Academy of Finland.
My host at Gunma University, Japan, was Professor Masaru Ikehata.
The topic of our joint research project was New computational methods for multidimensional inverse problems.
Research project Statistical inversion in radiology
Funding: Finnish Technology Agency and Instrumentarium Imaging.
Academic members: Helsinki University of Technology, University of Kuopio and University of Helsinki.
Topic: feasibility study of applicability of Bayesian inversion to three-dimensional medical X-ray imaging using sparse data.
My role was industrial, including writing the grant application, doing research work, and acting as board member.