Scientific presentations 2018

Electrical impedance tomography and virtual X-rays,
Inverse Days,
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, December 13, 2018. PDF (8 MB)

Invited talk: The magic of math: X-ray vision,
The Maths of Biology,
Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, October 10, 2018. PDF (25 MB)

Invited talk: Dynamic Sparse X-ray Tomography,
Seminar at Université Paris-Sud, France, September 18, 2018. PDF (30 MB)

Invited talk: Three-dimensional X-ray Vision by Sparse Tomography,
Physics Department Colloquium,
University of Helsinki, Finland, September 7, 2018. PDF (26 MB)

Invited talk: Computational inversion based on Complex Geometric Optics solutions,
Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations in honor of Professor Masaru Ikehata on the occasion of his 60th birthday,
Tokyo University of Science, Japan, August 26, 2018. PDF (11 MB)

Minicourse Reconstruction methods for sparse-data tomography,
INDAM intensive period Computational Methods for Inverse Problems in Imaging,
Como, Italy, June 26-28, 2018.
Talk slides, Part A PDF (18 MB),
Talk slides, Part B PDF (6 MB),
Talk slides, Part C PDF (5 MB),
Talk slides, Part D PDF (10 MB),
Talk slides, Part E PDF (19 MB).
Matlab codes: Radon_intro.mlxConstruct_A.mlxConstruct_limitedA.mlx

Plenary talk: Three-dimensional X-ray Vision by Sparse Tomography,
20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry
Budapest, Hungary, June 19, 2018. PDF (46 MB)

Invited talk: Classifying stroke using electrical impedance tomography,
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Minisymposium Innovative challenging applications in imaging sciences,
University of Bologna, Italy, June 8, 2018. PDF (7 MB)

Invited talk: Algorithms for dynamic tomography with limited data,
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Minisymposium Limited data problems in imaging,
University of Bologna, Italy, June 5, 2018. PDF (12 MB)

Invited talk: Tomography and its applications,
Miniworkshop Inverse problems and inspection techniques in neuroscience and other fields,
University of Ferrara, Italy, June 4, 2018. PDF (26 MB)

Invited talk: Electrical impedance tomography, virtual X-rays, and machine learning,
Workshop: Reconstruction methods for inverse problems,
INdAM, Rome, Italy, May 31, 2018. PDF (6.4 MB)

Invited talk: Remote Sensing in the Centre of Excellence in Inverse Modelling and Imaging,
Finnish Remote Sensing Days,
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, April 17, 2018. PDF (13.2 MB)

Plenary talk: Dynamic Sparse X-ray Tomography,
Meeting on Tomography and Applications
Politecnico di Milano – Mathematics department, Italy, May 16, 2018. PDF (23.4 MB)

Invited talk: Dynamic Sparse X-ray Tomography,
Seminar talk at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI),
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 13, 2018. PDF (12.6 MB)

Digital image denoising: relationship between the noisy and the true image,
Helsinki Photomedia 2018,
Finland, March 26, 2018. PDF (110 MB)

The mathematics of X-ray tomography,
EDUFI Winter School, Tvärminne research station, Finland, March 7, 2018. PDF (20 MB)