Scientific presentations 2017

Electrical impedance tomography imaging via the Radon transform,
23rd Inverse Days,
Oulu, Finland, December 12, 2017. PDF (5 MB)

Keynote talk: Modern X-ray vision: 3D imaging with sparse data,
Finland at CERN event,
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2, 2017. PDF (21 MB)

Minicourse Introduction to sparse-data X-ray tomography,
Thematic Program Parameter Identification in Mathematical Models: Applications to PDE’s and Integral Equations,
IMPA – Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 24-27, 2017.Part A PDF (12 MB), video: Part B PDF (22 MB), video: Part C PDF (13 MB), video: 

Minicourse Introduction to linear and nonlinear tomography,
Nonlinear PDE for Future Applications – Geometry and Inverse Problems
Tohoku Forum for Creativity, Sendai, Japan, October 2-5, 2017.
Part 1: Introduction to linear tomography
Part 2: Introduction to nonlinear tomographyPart 1.1 PDF (20 MB), video: Part 1.2 PDF (3 MB), video: Part 2.1 PDF (20 MB), video: Part 2.2 PDF (3 MB), video: Part 2.3 PDF (8 MB)

Invited talk: Electrical impedance tomography imaging via the Radon transform,
Inverse Problems Seminar,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA, August 24, 2017. PDF (6 MB)

Invited talk: Computational implementation of the inverse scattering method in dimension two,
Workshop on Inverse Scattering and Dispersive PDEs in Two Space Dimensions,
The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, August 16, 2017. PDF (15 MB)

Plenary talk (delivered by Professor Matti Lassas due to force majeure): Sparse X-ray tomography,
Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Hangzhou, China, May 30, 2017. PDF (26 MB)

Invited talk: Electrical impedance tomography imaging via the Radon transform,
MFO Workshop Computational Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, May 17, 2017. PDF (5.3 MB)

Invited talk: Electrical impedance tomography imaging via the Radon transform,
Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, April 19, 2017. PDF (8 MB)

Invited talk: Sparse-data tomographic imaging in practice,
Conference 100 Years of the Radon Transform, minisymposium Applications of the Radon Transform,
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Linz, Austria, March 30, 2017. PDF (19 MB)

Invited talk: Sparse X-ray tomography for medical imaging,
Seminar talk at University of Bologna, Italy, March 9, 2017. PDF (26 MB)

Invited talk: Sparse X-ray tomography,
RISM workshop on Mathematical Methods for Digital Image Analysis and Processing,
Villa Toeplitz, Varese, Italy, March 6, 2017. PDF (24 MB)

Invited talk: Sparse X-ray tomography for medical imaging,
Cambridge-Heriot Watt interdisciplinary data science workshop on mathematical imaging with partially unknown models,
Jesus College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, February 20, 2017. PDF (23 MB)

The Hidden Math of Selfies (in Finnish),
Educa conference, Helsinki, Finland, January 28, 2017. PDF (43 MB)