Detecting inclusions within inclusions in electrical impedance tomography,
22nd Inverse Days, Kuopio, Finland, December 13, 2016. PDF (7 MB)
Invited talk: Electrical impedance tomography imaging via the Radon transform,
Mathematics Seminar,
University College London, United Kingdom, November 25, 2016. PDF (10 MB)
Invited talk: Reconstruction methods for sparse-data tomography,
Joint ACA-cmih seminar,
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, November 21, 2016. PDF (23 MB)
Invited talk: Mathematics and Photography,
DIAPHANES symposium Blind Spot,
Exhibition Laboratory, Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland, October 21, 2016. PDF (35 MB)
Invited talk: Stephen Hawking and the Mathematics of Machine Speech (in Finnish),
Studia Generalia,
University of Helsinki, Finland, October 20, 2016.
Invited talk: Synthesizing speech by solving an inverse problem,
Institute of Physics Finland Chapter – Audio Processing Seminar,
Tampere University of Technology, Finland, October 3, 2016. PDF (15 MB)
Invited talk: Detecting inclusions within inclusions in electrical impedance tomography,
MFO Workshop Theory and Numerics of Inverse Scattering Problems,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, September 21, 2016. PDF (10 MB)
Mathematics and photography: new business opportunities (in Finnish)
Annual stakeholder seminar at Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Helsinki, Finland, August 24, 2016. PDF (2MB)
Creative workshop on the mathematics of photography,
Bridges Finland 2016 Public Day
University of Jyväskylä, Finland, August 12, 2016. PDF (20 MB)
Matlab resources: FD_Laplace.m, MyUS.m, Poisson_FD_solve.m
Sample images: Photobomb.jpg, Smurf.jpg
Invited talk: Tomographic imaging of moving objects: a space-time approach,
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science
Minisymposium Imaging in the fast lane: in pursuit of dynamical information
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, May 25, 2016. PDF (179 MB)
Total variation regularized X-ray tomography with a multiresolution parameter choice method,
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science
Minisymposium Limited-data tomography
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, May 24, 2016. PDF (12 MB)
Invited talk: Dynamic Sparse X-ray Tomography,
HD tomo days
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark, April 8, 2016. PDF (216 MB)
Plenary talk: Dynamic Sparse X-ray Tomography,
Discrete tomography and applications
Politecnico di Milano, Italy, March 22, 2016. PDF (197 MB)
Invited talk: Dynamic X-ray Tomography,
The Mathematics of Life: conference on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Mats Gyllenberg
University of Helsinki, Finland, March 10, 2016.
Invited talk: Sparse-data and Dynamic X-ray Tomography,
Medical Physics Seminar,
Oulu University Hospital, Finland, February 29, 2016.
Minicourse Computational solution of nonlinear inverse problems,
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, February 24-26, 2016.
Part 1: Motivation PDF (40 MB)
Part 2: Complex geometric optics solutions for the Schrödinger equation PDF (7 MB)
Part 3: Complex geometric optics solutions for the Beltrami equation PDF (9,6 MB)
Part 4: Glottal Inverse Filtering PDF (110 MB)
Invited talk: Nonlinear mathematics of electrical impedance imaging,
Workshop on Analysis in Kagurazaka 2016,
Tokyo University of Science, Japan, January 22, 2016. PDF (22 MB)
Invited talk: Blind deconvolution for human speech signals,
Workshop on Analysis in Kagurazaka 2016,
Tokyo University of Science, Japan, January 22, 2016. PDF (105 MB)
Minicourse: Inverse problems: theory, applications, and computational solution,
Graduate Programme Student Seminar,
Tokyo University of Science, Japan, January 21, 2016. PDF (140 MB)
Invited talk: Blind deconvolution for human speech signals,
Inverse Problems Seminar,
The University of Tokyo, Japan, January 18, 2016.