Invited talk: A multiresolution parameter choice method for TV,
IFIP TC 7.4 Workshop on Inverse Problems and Imaging,
Akademie Wolfsburg, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany, December 15, 2015. PDF (118 MB)
Parameter choice method for total variation regularization,
21th Inverse Days of the Finnish Inverse Problems Society
Lappeenranta, Finland, December 10, 2015. PDF (16 MB)
Invited talk: Mathematics as a high-tech R&D tool: the cases of X-ray imaging and glottal inversion,
Vaisala Corp. R&D seminar, Finland, December 3, 2015.
How to defuse a photobomb? 8th Science SLAM Helsinki, Finland, November 6, 2015.
Watch the video: YouTube
Invited talk: Total variation regularized X-ray tomography with a multiresolution parameter choice method,
Inverse Problems seminar,
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark, October 8, 2015. PDF (154 MB)
Invited talk: Multiresolution parameter choice method for total variation regularization,
Recent Developments in Inverse Problems,
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin, Germany, September 17, 2015. PDF (36 MB)
Plenary talk: Mathematics of low-dose and sparse X-ray tomography,
South-East Asian Mathematical Society Meeting (SEAMS-UMG)
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August 20, 2015. PDF (130 MB)
Invited talk: Dynamic X-ray tomography with level set regularization,
International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)
Minisymposium Computational Inverse Problems
Beijing, China, August 14, 2015. PDF (90 MB)
Invited talk: Inverse scattering methods for electrical impedance tomography and the Novikov-Veselov equation,
International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)
Minisymposium Inverse problems in PDE and probability
Beijing, China, August 11, 2015. PDF (17 MB)
Invited talk: Edge-preserving regularization for electrical impedance tomography,
International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)
Minisymposium Regularization of Inverse Problems in Imaging Sciences: Theoretical and Numerical Aspects
Beijing, China, August 11, 2015. PDF (34 MB)
Invited talk: X-ray tomography of moving objects using level sets,
Inverse Problems Seminar, DTU Compute, Denmark, June 16, 2015.
Invited talk: Four-dimensional X-ray tomography for moving objects,
Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Minisymposium Inverse Problems in Optics
University of Helsinki, Finland, May 29, 2015.
Invited talk: X-ray tomography of dynamic objects using level sets,
Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Minisymposium Current developments in tomography: from algorithms to applications
University of Helsinki, Finland, May 25, 2015. PDF (125 MB)
Keynote talk: Ill-posedness and regularization: the case of X-ray tomography,
Applied Inverse Problems Summer School,
University of Helsinki, Finland, May 18, 2015. PDF (103 MB)
Invited talk: Reconstruction methods for ill-posed inverse problems,
Summer Pre-School on Inverse Problems,
Centre international de rencontres mathématiques (CIRM), France, April 16, 2015. PDF (82 MB)
The talk is available as a video: Part 1 and Part 2.
Invited talk: Colored buzz, or Glottal Inverse Filtering,
Inverse Problems Seminar,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA, March 12, 2015.
Invited talk: Artefacts in X-ray Tomography: closing lecture,
Artefacts in X-Ray Tomography,
Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands, February 13, 2015. PDF (40 MB)