Invited talk: Edge-Preserving Electrical Impedance Tomography,
IFIP TC 7.4 Workshop on Inverse Problems and Imaging,
Akademie Wolfsburg, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany, December 16, 2014. PDF (40 MB)
Invited talk: Colored buzz, or Glottal Inverse Filtering,
3rd Workshop on Computational Engineering 2014,
University of Stuttgart, Germany, October 9, 2014
Inverse Problems in Human Speech Research,
Inverse Problems Seminar,
University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, September 8, 2014.
X-ray tomography of moving objects using level sets,
Inverse Problems Seminar,
University of Tokyo, Japan, September 4, 2014. PDF (124 MB)
Plenary talk: X-ray tomography of moving objects using level sets,
Annual meeting of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM),
National Graduate Institute of Political Studies, Tokyo, Japan, September 3, 2014.
Invited talk: Regularization for electrical impedance tomography using nonlinear Fourier transform,
Inverse Problems – from Theory to Application, minisymposium Regularization: algorithms,
At-Bristol science museum, United Kingdom, August 28, 2014. PDF (17.9 MB)
Public lecture: Understanding Human Speech,
Inverse Problems – from Theory to Application,
At-Bristol science museum, United Kingdom, August 26, 2014. PDF (21.4 MB)
Here is a video explaining some concepts related to the public lecture.
Invited talk: Four-dimensional tomography based on a level set method,
Inverse Problems – from Theory to Application, minisymposium Industrial Inverse Problems,
At-Bristol science museum, United Kingdom, August 26, 2014. PDF (51.8 MB)
Invited talk: New Computational Techniques for Static and Dynamic Sparse-Data Tomography,
MFO Workshop Mathematics and Algorithms in Tomography,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, August 14, 2014. PDF (52 MB)
X-ray tomography of moving objects using level sets,
Distinguished lectures on inverse problems, minisymposium Regularization and computational inversion,
University of Helsinki, Finland, August 7, 2014.
Level set method for dynamic sparse-data X-ray tomography,
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, minisymposium Computational inversion methods for biomedical imaging,
Hong Kong Baptist University, China, May 13, 2014.
Invited talk: Edge-Preserving Electrical Impedance Tomography,
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, minisymposium Keep the Edge? From Theory to Practice,
Hong Kong Baptist University, China, May 12, 2014.
Invited talk: Colored buzz, or Glottal Inverse Filtering,
4th Eunis Rectors Conference
Microsoft corporate facilities in Espoo, Finland, April 4, 2014.
Four-dimensional X-ray tomography,
Advanced X-Ray Tomography: Experiment, Modeling, and Algorithms
Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands, February 13, 2014. PDF (22 MB)
Invited talk: Four-dimensional X-ray tomography,
Inverse Problems Follow-Up Meeting
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, February 11, 2014.
Invited talk: A Data-Driven Edge-Preserving D-bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography,
Inverse Problems Follow-Up Meeting
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, February 10, 2014. PDF (28 MB)
Four-dimensional X-ray tomography,
FinEst Math 2014, University of Helsinki, Finland, January 9, 2014. PDF (14 MB)